Ilchi Lee (Founder)
Ilchi Lee is an impassioned visionary, educator, author, and mentor. He has dedicated his life to teaching energy principles and researching and developing methods to nurture the full potential of the human brain. Ilchi Lee was born in South Korea at the beginning of the Korean War. His father was a school principal, but Lee grew up unable to focus well in his studies. His mind was always preoccupied with questions about the meaning of life and who we truly are inside. At the age of 30, he set out to find the answers to the existential questions that had been on his mind for so long. He meditated and practiced mind-body training on Mt. Moak in South Korea, and after 21 days, he experienced a profound connection to himself and found the answers he was looking for. Since then, for 40 years, he’s worked with a mission to help people realize their own power to create health, happiness, and peace regardless of their circumstances. He has developed many successful mind-body training methods for this purpose, including Brain Education. His principles and methods have inspired and changed many people around the world to live healthier and happier lives. Ilchi Lee is a New York Times bestselling author who has penned more than 40 books and currently works with the United Nations to bring peace through education in developing countries. He founded the University of Brain Education and Global Cyber University. Additionally, he serves as the president of the International Brain Education Association (IBREA).
Earth Village is a place where we help guide beautiful souls to find their true value and by default design the future they dream of. Ilchi Lee’s dream for Earth Village is to not only help people realise their potential and dreams but to also help people become ambassadors for a healthy planet. He refers to these ambassadors as Earth Citizens.


Sunyong(Brain) Park
Sunyong, also known as Master Brain, is a highly experienced trainer in Brain Education, K-Qigong, and K-Meditation. Additionally, he serves as a Self-healing Ambassador & Expert. He has had the privilege of directing and managing 19 centres in Korea, working passionately to introduce Brain Education to schools and society.
With an impressive teaching history spanning 17 years in Brain Education, Sunyong's journey as a healer took a significant turn when he personally healed from a serious vertebrae injury resulting from a horse-riding accident, without any medical assistance.
Sunyong's unwavering passion lies in sharing the profound potential of self-healing. Through his guidance, individuals can recover physically, mentally, and spiritually, unlocking their full capacities and awakening their inner potential.
Choi Man
Choi has been teaching Body and Brain Yoga, Qigong and Meditation for 15 years. Choi has a Martial Arts background including a 6th degree black belt in Taekwondo.
He has been a healer all his life and has done sports massage and healing for Olympic athletes. Choi first connected with the Brain Education method in 2004 and received a Brain Education Doctorate Degree. He has been happily married for 16 years with a 15-year-old son.

Sooah (Yewon) Hwang
Since 1996, Master Sooah (Yewon) has been dedicated to the practice of Brain Education, Meditation, Qigong, Natural Healing Methods, and Yoga. Over the past 19 years, she has shared her knowledge of Brain Education in various countries, including Korea, the USA, and NZ.
Before her journey into Brain Education, Yewon worked as a Medical Doctor. However, her inner thirst for genuine healing and the deeper meaning of life persisted. After spending years interacting with patients, she eventually reached a pivotal moment where she could no longer ignore her inner calling to discover her true path. Consequently, she made the bold decision to leave her medical practice behind and embarked on a transformative journey in search of answers.
Prior to relocating to New Zealand in 2015, Yewon served as a senior researcher for a decade and managed Brain Education centres in Arizona as a regional manager. Her burning desire is to assist people in reclaiming their health through natural healing methods while helping them find their authentic purpose in life.
Koro Carman
(Business Development & Youth Mentor)
Koro has worked in the tourism and hospitality industries for 25 years. In 2004, Koro had the privilege of being one of the founders of the world acclaimed Footprints Waipoua tour company and helped to facilitate the world first Union of Ancient Trees Agreement between Aotearoa and Japan. Koro was also involved in establishing Whakaara Pito Mata ‘The Maori Tourism Academy’ in 2019 and delivered two pilot programs in 2020.
Shivaun Brownlee
(Accommodation Manager)
Shivaun has worked for Double Pine Investment Ltd. for going on eight years. She has performed many roles across properties during this time, including housekeeping, housekeeping manager and holding down the fort at reception. She has enjoyed learning more about the company’s health and wellbeing business and has championed the positive work they deliver in and with the community.
Kurt Brady(Property Maintenance)
Kurt hails from the Bay of Plenty but was lucky enough to meet a lovely lady from the North. Kurt has a son and a daughter and seven amazing grandchildren. Kurt lived in various places in Australia for 20 years working in the construction sector and on tower cranes. Kurt started working at Earth Village in 2015 and enjoys fishing, watching rugby and diving although he has grandchildren now who he can call on to perform this important role.
David Lyden
David has worked as a tour guide on the Tai Pou Herenga Twin Coast Cycle Trail. David spent several months working in the forestry sector prior to becoming the first member of our Earth Village Youth team. David, loves being outdoors, riding his bike and is a whizz with all things in the tech space and is a budding videographer and photographer.